The purpose and aim of the research is to examine impact of Brand perceived quality on Brand purchase behavior and intention in perspective of Halal, as Halal in today’s era is gaining importance because increase in consciousness with respect to religion has gained quite significance in recent times. As Muslim population is increasing quite rapidly so understanding the concept of Halal with respect to marketing is quite important not only for Muslim dominated societies but as well as for Non-Muslim dominated society. As prior work has been done on similar topic but without identifying the underlying behavior that takes place at the time of purchase of a product with reference to religious perspective. The objective of the current study is to examine the perceived quality impact on purchase behavior of Halal conscious consumers while keeping intention intact. The construct being worked upon are; brand perceived quality acting as independent construct while Halal Brand Image, Halal brand satisfaction, Halal brand trust, Halal brand loyalty being mediators explaining relation of brand perceived quality with Brand purchase intention and purchase behavior. For the research software’s such as Amoss, SPSS, excel were used and tests were applied such as Validity, reliability, regression and CFA. The current study used questionnaire method for survey and data was collected from 217 respondents who in past had purchased products on the basis of it being Halal. The research elaborately defines how Purchase behavior underlies when religious elements are existing and the study would be beneficial for businesses trying to get themselves categorized as Halal inevitably getting excess to new markets and having a comparative edge which would increase their revenues.