Volume 1 ISSUE 1



How to Reach customer satisfaction and brand loyalty in a business it’s a difficult and still need area for researchers and practitioners for research. As we know and we compared to consumer branding may be How to Reach customer satisfaction and brand loyalty in a business it’s a difficult and still need area for researchers and practitioners for research. As we know and we compared to consumer branding may be a terribly short identified concerning the success parts of branding, and additionally a way to satisfy the consumers of {products} and the way they get the products either rationally or showing emotion. Thus our analysis paper aims to look at the success factors of stigmatization and rational or emotional factors and their performance impact of client satisfaction and complete loyalty. The rational brand quality consists of product quality, service quality, and distribution quality whereas consistent advertising vogue, whole image, country-of-manufacture image and sale Person’s temperament, habit, price-perception, and whole perspective area unit dimensions of emotional whole associations. The technique which is adopt for sampling is convenience sampling technique, Data was collected through the customers, mostly those customers who are the brand conscious to distributing questionnaire and also use social media for data gathering, and also experts of the manufacturing firms working in Pakistan as well as from the professional graduating scholars. To examine more accuracy in the research it is highly preferred. Time is one of the limitations. And research will be conduct in Karachi. The statistical technique confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was use to check the validity and reliability of the instruments. For the purpose of testing the hypotheses, and has use structural regression modeling (SRM), t-tests, ANOVA. For data coding, of CFA and SRM techniques the research has used Ms. Excel, SPPSS and AMOS software’s. The research is highly preferred especially for the marketers and salespersons. This analysis had been conducted on two completely different SMCGs J.J & KHAADI. Because of the continuing commoditization, the product factory-made by firms and even their service and distribution efforts area unit subject to an increasing uniformity inside world competition.


Keywords: Economic nationalism, Consumer ethnocentrism, Consumer patriotism, COO, foreign brands.

